Some of my students are eager for advice, always asks for help and likes me watching them and giving them feedback – these students get improve very fast! Some will ask for help occasionally when in real need and tend to not care if me comes around. Some are the type to really get nervous when me comes around, usually will not ask for help and prefers to ask her dance mate next to her or learn privately. And me, sometime I ignore when someone is teaching someone because, when ever I asked them, they replied " bo la... bo la" (nothing)
I always aware when I stress students out. I have to be careful about what I say in the class? What about being honest and saying what I see when a student stood in front of my eyes? So here I just want to send out a message to all my students to tell you not to worry when me come around to you. I am not judging you, I want to help you become the best dancer you can be. As much as it feels like you are on display it is always beneficial to get feedback. And Not because, you couldn't get the routine but I think most of you lacking practice. So even though I know I am stressing the nervous group, I will still approach you, watch and give you advice. Do not feel uncomfortable, as I said, I too struggled the same feeling when I was a beginner dancer. That is my job as a teacher, if I don’t tell you, I feel like I am not doing my job or giving you the best experience possible.
I know how you get busy, you make plans to do things and then you don't do them. It's ok, that's life!!! But remember, keep learning and practice. Take other dance classes and exercise classes to improve flexibility, agility, strength, choreography and more - hip hop, jazz, ballet, yoga - everything helps!!
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