Thursday, October 29, 2009

What's Going On This Week

I got up and first thing this morning I had to drive about an hour away to a studio where we had our practice for the group dance that is going to finish by today. Most of my students are from different groups, to do something special in our hafla event opening, I created a choreography suitable for all level from different disciplines to shows "the team work” . All students need to learn a routine where all of us get there together. It was actually really funny having all of us train and practice together and the choreography was cracking me up. I was watching them do some of it and they were watching me and we were both laughing hard. Good thing is everyone's energy and enthusiasm kept us fully motivated!

Well, it is time to start to think about the opening. Here what I did before :
1st Annual Hafla 2006 – dancers line up at entrance and shimmy all the way to stage
2nd Annual Hafla 2007 - Live Drumming with Rosmadi & Wong Jui Siang (Drum Instructor/Percussionist)
3rd Annual Hafla 2009 – Candle Dance (make plan come and see it on 14 Nov)

I just wanted to remind everyone that the shows starts at 7.45pm. The show is going to be fun and yummy, featuring several performers who are coming to perform. I am looking forward to it!

Today is another day where I hope I get things done. A little anyway as I am already tired now. But I'm not letting my tiredness get me down. I got some good news, too! We have to perform on 12 Nov 2009 in one of Malaysian Chinese Singer’s wedding dinner. That is 2 days before our hafla event. Not bad! We will see many of Malaysians singers in the audience.

Get Stress In The Class??

Some of my students are eager for advice, always asks for help and likes me watching them and giving them feedback – these students get improve very fast! Some will ask for help occasionally when in real need and tend to not care if me comes around. Some are the type to really get nervous when me comes around, usually will not ask for help and prefers to ask her dance mate next to her or learn privately. And me, sometime I ignore when someone is teaching someone because, when ever I asked them, they replied " bo la... bo la" (nothing)

I always aware when I stress students out. I have to be careful about what I say in the class? What about being honest and saying what I see when a student stood in front of my eyes? So here I just want to send out a message to all my students to tell you not to worry when me come around to you. I am not judging you, I want to help you become the best dancer you can be. As much as it feels like you are on display it is always beneficial to get feedback. And Not because, you couldn't get the routine but I think most of you lacking practice. So even though I know I am stressing the nervous group, I will still approach you, watch and give you advice. Do not feel uncomfortable, as I said, I too struggled the same feeling when I was a beginner dancer. That is my job as a teacher, if I don’t tell you, I feel like I am not doing my job or giving you the best experience possible.

I know how you get busy, you make plans to do things and then you don't do them. It's ok, that's life!!! But remember, keep learning and practice. Take other dance classes and exercise classes to improve flexibility, agility, strength, choreography and more - hip hop, jazz, ballet, yoga - everything helps!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rehearsal + My New Choreography

More practicing with my students this week, which is a good opportunity to learn & polish their dancing skill! Last week, we did our 3 hours of rehearsal. It's just that we only manage to spend about two hours on actual dancing most times because there is always ‘SEMBANG KUAT’ (so much talking)!! No idea why so much talking when girls meet up… I want them really dance most of it, and I never stop the music. It was awesome! They worked really hard. Then we will start video recording next week.
And tonight we have another session for All students practice. I am not sure how long we can do it, some of students make noise because wanted to leave early and I do have to leave at 9.30pm to travel to K/L. Again, my fault for not communicating as well as I maybe could be, but we have all been busy at work, so tonight, be PATIENCE to wait for your turn to dance.
My new Choreography! My 4 minutes new piece! It's a great challenge to dance it with the energy. I don't think I've ever driven myself so hard this time, especially in time to music, I dance – Relax! One of student used to worry a lot more about how her danced compared to other people. I mean she bothered and worried about what people say and think about her… Makes me shiver when I think about someone bitching with someone else about me being ugly stupid or whatever… It’s kind of like, well you are surrounded by their big rolling EYES!!! Ah, here’s where I share my epiphany with her. I told her just be yourself lahNo matter how hard you decided to try, you'd never be somebody else, better or worse. And she replied this : "Yes, I'm ME now, As of right now, be myself, act as myself!! So much so that I always see myself from the mirror..."
Well, don’t want this turns out to be so ‘Cheong Hei…(long winded)’ I had so many dance-related thoughts that I've been having a hard time concentrating on just one of them long enough to write a whole blog about it. There's also so much crazy things have been happening in my life. That's what this entry is dedicated to!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Before Show Pep Talk

Just a quick update for it's been an eventful week....too busy to blog! what a busy and tiring week so far, but it's also meaningful that I am doing the never-ending task of organizing my belly dance stuff !!!
I am preparing the ‘candle’ for our opening dance. The dancers will hold a ‘candle’ in a cup in each hand. The group choreography is really nice and simple for all level, the song is upbeat famous superstar song. My student is worrying the ‘candle’ will drop and their hair are going to set on fire! Haha... I promise, we don’t need fire brigade or a fire hose on the night. We will dancing in safe! Of course I try to keep it a surprise to them until I show them the ‘candle’! I just got the cup today but the shape, size and color of glass is very simple design. Be patience, give me sometime to decorate the candle and the cup!
I am racking my brains on this one - hafla program. This is our 3rd year of the hafla celebration belly dance, so I already know pretty much what to expect. This year, Beside my troupe dance and 5 of my students are doing their solo dance, we have hip hop team from Penang to perform. Woohoo! The program timing is very tight! One of my student brought up our program matter, and I agreed on her point of view! We need impact, we want more and more people to understand and appreciate belly dance as an art form and as a profession, no dance competition whereby we are all in learning stage.
One of my class have currently been suspended as a lot of time is being put into rehearsal class. I can see my students are so excited. They arrived early in studio get the before-show peptalk and have a short session for the dress rehearsal. Our costumes are all different, we have red, blue and white for opening dance colors. One has an all out cabaret costume, another a colorful gypsy skirt, yet another a fancy custom-made costume... It was fantastic!
My student are ready to go on stage. I have no new dances ready, so should I dance? Again
racking my brains on this ....

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hafla Tickets Sold Out!!!!

What a busy few days... ! I made the decision last minute to go Hat Yai for 2 days while my students are so excited for the dance rehearsal. I go CRAZY buying materials there! Wooo hooo....of course spent more money shopping than I did!

Yee hah, My Hafla ticket reached out 31 tables out of 33 already!! In fact, the interest has been so great that we are now SOLD OUT!!! In my early plan, I limits my tickets for 28 tables, and now I printed another 5 tables. My students will get free ticket if they perform on Hafla (which is 2 tables without Numbering standby for students). My intention is to encourage my students to freely express themselves and build their own personal style and artistry from these endlessly of this traditional art form.

Each year, the Hafla has grown so much and we are so excited as this promises to be the best event yet! Thank you all very, very much for your support. Now it’s a matter of getting better and getting ready to dance. We are going to dance for the crowd! SO excited about it! Again, listen to the music, dance from heart, take it within and allow Spirit to dance the dance….

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Baledi Drills

I recently started teaching a drum solo class. The music brings together rhythms, which incorporate short sections of DD S T D TT, D T DD T, D T S T D T, D T T D T! It varies from traditional 'heavy' baledi to modern Egyptian pop. students got torture by the oriental rhythm and my voice singing the DD S T D TT.....
Baledi or Balady means “ My lovely Country’ and also refers to the village or region of origin. Baladi is a Style of dance in Egypt. It is the dance of the people. You will find the Baledi in village and urban weddings and parties. It is also classically part of the Raks Sharki show.
This song was my favorite pieces and not too difficult – it comprised of three basic. Taxim/Baledi/Drum Solo. It starts out slow and gooey then gradually speed up, but never too crazy fast for the shimmies. I love baledi progressions, when I watch a professional belly dancer dances the baledi progression, especially improvisation with a live band, to me that is the "essence" of belly dancing, No matter what I see a dancer do. I love they way she convey the essence of femininity, her magnetic smile, feeling the music, and shimmying like it's going out of style! Oh her baledi will make me move
Baledi, belady, many different spelling? Doesn't matter, It just a spelling. The important things is I know how to play the rhythm on my laps and stomach for the "dom" and "tek", haha... Thank you to Hadia's Teacher Training! Egyptian way in this dance making it believable. I simply love it!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Big Mistake on Performance CDs

Kher Ting, Titi, Grace & Joey

I took up the offer when Arabesque kids are invited to perform at Star Parade Shopping Complex in conjunction with the properties fair event last night. I went together with my 4 kids and their parents. The kids get to dress up and dance for 20 minutes show – 1 group dance and 3 solo dances. When Kher Ting did her last solo dance, Sigh…. The CD starts skipping in the middle. Everyone turns toward the DJ and wonder why her music CD sucks. I saw Kher Ting was so disappointed on the stage. So I leaded her off the stage! I must admit that was my big mistake! The only time I played this CD in my car while driving. First - I didn’t listen through from start to finish. 2) I used the ‘cap ayam’ (cheap) brand compact disc! 3) it may be an issue with any CD or DVD burning software.

See, I always take great care in preparing the music that when I wish to belly dance to, but this time I did not present my belly dance in a professional manner!

It's a lesson for me, never never use the CDs that have never been tested. I must treat my CDs very carefully in our next performance.