Sunday, November 2, 2008

Thank You For Your Encouragement!!!

I want to take a moment to thank JP who commented or wrote me privately for the encouragement through this never ending journey.

Thank you.. thank you for your kind words, your comfort when things are going bad. They have meant a lot to me!

What a long, strange journey it has been! It is true that I have rough times in the first few year. And along the way many interesting and funny things have happened too. In all of this process, I had to admit that I enjoyed doing. Finally I was helping people doing something that they enjoy doing. It seemed like every person in Kedah who had never danced in their lives was now interested in learning how to belly dance. This was the moment I knew I wanted to do this for the rest of my life.

I openly admit I have never won a dance contest. I never claimed to be the Best, the Biggest or the Greatest. I never study dance from an early age, nor have I received any teaching awards or professional recognition whatsoever. I just try my hardest to achieve my goal. It is important to encourage people to make physical activity a part of their everyday lives. Like anything else in life - you get out of it what you put into it.

This is A Never Ending Journey and this is A Never Ending Journey blog. I set it up is not with the purpose to blog about topics of interest me professionally, but it is sharing my learning path. There were plenty of bumps along the way. I will try to bring some past journeys those experiences and how they influenced, and/or still influence my practice and my approach in my belly dancing life.

If you have an activity you enjoy, volunteer as a way to get started, then see if you have what it takes to turn your interest into more meaningful use of your time. Be a good role model. Build physical activity into your daily routine.

Wish you luck.

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