I just completed teaching modern belly dance course. This is lot of fun. Yesterday we did a couples rounds practice in the class. Every courses I taught I made sure my dancers learn something new and exciting, I can see my dancers getting better and better which I’m happy to say I finally love to create choreographies.
For one thing, I communicate to students about the technique, the music and the expression of the dance as it is done where it began. Secondly, in the early days there was little available on the market in the way of music. Now there is almost too much to choose from, including traditional and modern Arabic music and fusion music. The music has become a rich field from which to select teaching and performance pieces. Thirdly, I’m teaching more on technique. I remember it took me three months in a studio practicing by myself to figure out how to do a "3/4 shimmy" walk, after seeing someone do it. In my classes, some of the students get it and by the eighth week and most of them can do it. We’ve had years to learn and refine teaching methods, so better dancers can be developed more efficiently.
Also, I don't mind if you use my choreography, either in a performance or to teach your students, but please credit me. Do send me a video of your performance! Thanks!