If any one is still there.........I am finally getting caught up with my
not bogging since last year May! Huh… what a long period! It doesn’t mean that
I am not dancing or organise anything. I quit blogging then I
moved on to Facebook. Hmm…I confess that I am a facebook addict as I
check my facebook at least 2-3 times a day. I also love how spontaneous
facebook share my adventures, and for the event organizing is
really useful and well implemented. It is quite ridiculous waste of
time, I think I should disentangle myself from the facebook and
update on my blog. Yay! I intend to get back on track with blogging.
There are points in my life where I tell myself, I should blog about this,
writing my thoughts, randomly, anything under the sun.
really surprised me when I posted articles many times a month consistently
through 2008 – 2012, the traffic has continued at that rate and so I took
a look at what’s been driving it. Interestingly enough, I felt my
blogging easy to express even though I don’t have any direct revenue generating
aspects on my blog such as affiliate links or ads. If I can blog often,
it will also be a good opportunity to review some of my most read content
and update it. And soon, I will be back. Yes!! I am looking forward to
spending more amazing time blogging, stay tune!!!